To support its ministry, Old Union operates a number of funds.
GENERAL FUND: For budgeted expenses of our church
CAMP FUND: Covers the entire cost for the first year of camp, and half the cost for the second year. Much of the money for this fund comes from the Sydney Bahney Memorial Foundation.
PICKLE PROJECT: A monthly special offering that is divided between the deacons and the Lighthouse, to help people in our congregation and community in need.
DONUT FUND: To cover expenses for our fellowship time after church. At times, if this fund has extra money, the session will use some of it for expenses to maintain our building.
MAJOR REPAIRS FUND: To cover the regular maintenance and upkeep of our building, and to build up a reserve for major expenses in the future.
MANSE FUND: To cover repairs and upkeep for the manse.
OLD CEMETERY FUND: To maintain and preserve the cemetery on the church side of the parking lot. Thanks to a generous donation in the past, this fund ensures perpetual care for these graves.
NEW CEMETERY FUND: To maintain and preserve the cemetery on the pavilion side of the parking lot.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Thanks to a donation in the past, this fund provides scholarships for deserving graduating high school seniors going on to college.
MEMORIAL FUND: Money contributed in the memory of church members who have died. These funds are available for appropriate enhancements to our church, usually after consulting family members.
MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND: Up to 6% of the fund can be allocated each year by the session for mission or outreach programs, such as disaster relief. The mission endowment fund maintains a principal of at least $100.000.
In addition to these funds, various organizations in the church have their own funds. These include the Deacons, Youth Group, Women’s Association, and Adult Sunday School Class.
CAMP FUND: Covers the entire cost for the first year of camp, and half the cost for the second year. Much of the money for this fund comes from the Sydney Bahney Memorial Foundation.
PICKLE PROJECT: A monthly special offering that is divided between the deacons and the Lighthouse, to help people in our congregation and community in need.
DONUT FUND: To cover expenses for our fellowship time after church. At times, if this fund has extra money, the session will use some of it for expenses to maintain our building.
MAJOR REPAIRS FUND: To cover the regular maintenance and upkeep of our building, and to build up a reserve for major expenses in the future.
MANSE FUND: To cover repairs and upkeep for the manse.
OLD CEMETERY FUND: To maintain and preserve the cemetery on the church side of the parking lot. Thanks to a generous donation in the past, this fund ensures perpetual care for these graves.
NEW CEMETERY FUND: To maintain and preserve the cemetery on the pavilion side of the parking lot.
SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Thanks to a donation in the past, this fund provides scholarships for deserving graduating high school seniors going on to college.
MEMORIAL FUND: Money contributed in the memory of church members who have died. These funds are available for appropriate enhancements to our church, usually after consulting family members.
MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND: Up to 6% of the fund can be allocated each year by the session for mission or outreach programs, such as disaster relief. The mission endowment fund maintains a principal of at least $100.000.
In addition to these funds, various organizations in the church have their own funds. These include the Deacons, Youth Group, Women’s Association, and Adult Sunday School Class.
Old Union Presbyterian Church | 200 Union Church Road, Mars, PA 16046
724-538-8672 | [email protected]
724-538-8672 | [email protected]