These words and terms reflect the life and ministry of our congregation.
ADOPT A MISSION: Each year, a family or organization in the church “adopts” one of our mission projects, pledging to contribute $350 toward it. This is in addition to whatever support the church receives for missions through the regular offering.
DISCOVERY DAY: A day-long event in the fall, in which special speakers come to provide in-depth teaching about a particular aspect of Christian life and faith.
DONUT TIME: Fellowship time after worship in the fellowship hall. Donut Time does not take place in the summer, or on the 2nd Sunday of the month, when a fellowship covered-dish dinner takes its place.
GROW: Get Renewed On Wednesday: An intergenerational mid-week time for fellowship and learning, which Old Union shares with other area churches. Generally held for about 9 weeks in the fall and in the spring. Churches take turns hosting GROW.
LISTSERV: The email list maintained by Old Union to send out updates and information during the week. You may sign up for the listserv on the home page of the church website.
MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND: A fund of over $100,000, whose dividends may be used for missions. It may not be used for budgetary or operating expenses.
PICKLE PROJECT: A once-a-month special offering to help people in need in the community and church. The money is divided evenly between the church deacons and the Lighthouse.
PRAYER CHAIN: People connected by email and telephone who pray for special prayer concerns that arise during the week.
DISCOVERY DAY: A day-long event in the fall, in which special speakers come to provide in-depth teaching about a particular aspect of Christian life and faith.
DONUT TIME: Fellowship time after worship in the fellowship hall. Donut Time does not take place in the summer, or on the 2nd Sunday of the month, when a fellowship covered-dish dinner takes its place.
GROW: Get Renewed On Wednesday: An intergenerational mid-week time for fellowship and learning, which Old Union shares with other area churches. Generally held for about 9 weeks in the fall and in the spring. Churches take turns hosting GROW.
LISTSERV: The email list maintained by Old Union to send out updates and information during the week. You may sign up for the listserv on the home page of the church website.
MISSION ENDOWMENT FUND: A fund of over $100,000, whose dividends may be used for missions. It may not be used for budgetary or operating expenses.
PICKLE PROJECT: A once-a-month special offering to help people in need in the community and church. The money is divided evenly between the church deacons and the Lighthouse.
PRAYER CHAIN: People connected by email and telephone who pray for special prayer concerns that arise during the week.